doesnt matter

Friday, September 30, 2011

Swirly doodle #16

And September is over, four full sheets of paper front and back are complete. I am actually really having fun with this so far, we'll see if that keeps up or not.
Two things have occurred to me since starting this project, both pointed out to me by other people. One is that these designs are very much like the tattoos that seem to be so popular among young adults, you know the "tribal" style ones. I suppose that's true enough, so if anyone wants to use one as a tattoo design I guess that's cool. I know I put copyrights on all of these but I'm not exactly going to hold anyone to it. What can I realistically do? How would I even know if someone had taken the design without permission? If it floats your boat than by all means go for it.
Second is that it would be much easier to replicate the symmetry if I used graphing paper instead of a simple sketch pad. That's part of what makes this fun and somewhat of a challenge though, trying to get that symmetry freehanded. So I will continue to use plain white paper for these. And without further ado here is #16.

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