doesnt matter

Monday, September 26, 2011

Just a Thought

Looking back, really the only doodle that got a little too messy/complicated was #5, the rest have been just complex enough to be interesting. I've also noticed that the first ones were generally larger, with a larger base (that oval/almond shape in the middle is the base for all the doodles), again the exception being #5. Tomorrow's doodle (today, technically since it is the 26th at time of posting) will be an attempt at getting back to that. I really don't understand how they kept getting smaller but I think I'm going to try to be a little more consistent with the base size.

Actually, no I'm not going to be more consistent. That's just stupid. It's going to be hard enough to make 366 of the damn things without them becoming same-y, so anything to help them be a little more diverse is probably a good thing.

Meh, whatever, I'll probably just do what I've been doing: start drawing and see where it takes me.

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